1. Start of the Iraq War, Baghdad, 2003
2. Fruitless Efforts (Series), 2004
I. - V.
3. Ernie accuses the Fashionduck.
The Fashionduck accuses Ernie.
(Series), 2005
I. Ernie accuses the Fashionduck
"I am what I am.
You are what you wear."
II. The Fashionduck accuses Ernie
"You hide your feelings behind an icy wall."
III. The Fashionduck accuses Ernie
"You force me to quit heroin."
"No, neonlight helps your tan."
IV. Ernie accuses the Fashionduck
"My life feels like a film."
"We are in a cinema."
V. Ernie accuses the Fashionduck
"You have a broken identity."
"You too."